The Start Of The Scriptural Year

This Scriptural Calendar study shows how to determine the start of the lunisolar year.

Because the annual lunar cycle is now 354 days (29.5 x 12) and the solar cycle is now 365 days, there is a difference of 11 days. This causes the lunar cycle to fall behind the solar cycle, so a 13th month occurs every 7 of 19 years to keep the feasts of the 1st Scriptural month in the proper time frame, in spring. After three years, the lunar cycle has fallen behind by approximately 33 days, and a 13th month synchronizes the lunar and solar cycles.

A 13th month is not defined in Scripture, because when the commands were written, the moon had a 30-day monthly cycle resulting in a 360-day annual cycle, and the Sun had an annual 360-day cycle, so there was no need for the 13th month.

Seven such leap months or embolismal months are inserted into the Scriptural calendar every 19 years. This is a predictable cycle. Greek astronomer and scholar Meton of Athens discovered the 19-year Metonic cycle in the 5th century BC.

Here’s how you determine it according to the solar and lunar cycles as Genesis 1:14 instructs.

When you project when the New Moon Day takes place in the upcoming month, you can determine if it’s the start of the new year or if a 13th month is needed.

Based on the New Moon Day of the upcoming month, you can project that the New Moon Day of the following will occur 29-30 days later.

Compare the those two months to see which New Moon Day is closest to the vernal equinox (3/20-03/21).

Whichever New Moon Day is closest to the vernal equinox is the first month of the new year.

Here’s how to confirm the month of the new year.

When you cite the sliver crescent moon each month, you will notice that the part of the moon that is illuminated changes each month. This pattern will provide a unique sign of the new year.

For people in the northern hemisphere, the sliver crescent looks like a backwards C with the right side illuminated during the 7th month in fall.

During months 8-12, the sliver transitions more towards the bottom of the moon.

If a 13th month is needed, the sliver will still be on the right side and not in the U position.

During the month that starts the new year, the sliver will be on the bottom of the moon, which is a unique marking position.

This pattern repeats so that during months 2-6, the sliver transitions more towards the right side.

The unique marker of the Scriptural new year is the sliver crescent moon that has the bottom illuminated, like a U-shape.

Many describe this as when the ‘horns of the moon point upward.’ This caused me to recall that in the original Hebrew, the pictogram for the word Aleph is an Ox with two horns, which look like a U.

Aleph in Hebrew points to the beginning. Messiah is the Aleph and the Tav, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

It’s interesting that the early Hebrew Ox pictogram with the two horns, seems to have been hidden over the years.

Does the barley harvest validate the start of the Scriptural new year?

Many people look to what is taking place in Israel in regard to the sighted sliver crescent moon and the barley harvest. But there is no Scripture which declares that our calendar is based on what takes place in Israel.

The Israelites followed the calendar before they were in the Promised Land. Daniel and other Jews observed the calendar in captivity in Babylon. Those of the Commonwealth of Israel live all around around the world.

Genesis 1:14-17 declares that the Scriptural calendar is based on the luminaries in heaven.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.

It does not say to base the calendar on the barley harvest in Israel, though the first name Abib points the spring season. So I don’t believe that you don’t need to know what’s happening in Jerusalem to follow the calendar, as the clock is written in the heavens.

No matter where you live, you can observe the moon and know where you’re at on the calendar. That is the brilliance and simplicity of Yah the Heavenly Father’s design!

Does the constellation Virgo give us a sign of the Scriptural new year?

Yah names all of the stars and He placed the constellations on the ecliptic to tell the Gospel story. The enemy has devised ways to hide the story which is spoken of in Psalms 19:1-6 and Romans 1:20.

The Hebrew word 1330 is bethulah, which means a virgin. This directly relates to the constellation Virgo. Bethulah is the aleph and tav constellation, as it marks the transition from the last month of the old year to the first month of the new year.

By Yah’s design, Bethulah is prominent in the spring sky in the Northern Hemisphere, and it’s visible all night in March and April, which is very significant.

In Bethulah’s left hand is a sheaf of grain.  The brightest star of the sheaf is called Spica, that points back to Hebrew word Tsemach, which means: to sprout, spring up, to bud, to branch.

On the spring Feast of First Fruits, which is on the 16th day of the first month, the priest is to wave the sheaf of grain. This time is highlighted by the full moon of the Feast of Unleavened Bread High Sabbath.

Virgo appears in the spring, perhaps to be a signal for the start of the New Year in the 1st month, and she disappears in the fall around the time of the 7th month Holy Feast Days.

Does the full moon appear near the star called Spica/Tsemach on the Feast of Unleavened Bread and First Fruits, to validate that this as the first month of the year? There’s always more to learn about the amazing designs of our Creator!

Next, let’s focus on determining the Day of Pentecost.

Read How To Determine The Day Of Pentecost

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4 thoughts on “The Start Of The Scriptural Year”

  1. You should definitely look more into the scriptural stars. I wholly agree with you on the day start, you fell into darkness in the month start. But you recognise the 3 witnesses of light in this post… USE those witnesses of light to reassess the scriptural month.

    I actually think you would enjoy this, it’s scripturally, Etymology and historically balanced and I can see that you value truth above all else.

    Thank you for taking time to write your peices.

  2. Hi David, im just curious as to how you know that when the moon is upside down in that u shape that its the start of the new year? I’ve been asking the Father how im suppose to know when the new year starts and I walked outside tonight and saw it in that u shape at the bottom of the moon. im in Aus by the way. thank you

    • Hi Nathan, yeah, you have a very different perspective as the perspective of the moon is opposite of the northern hemisphere. I assume that means that the crescent would be on the top of the moon as the new year starts in March/April. Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah! David


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