The Scriptural Lunisolar Calendar

This Scriptural Calendar study gives an overview of the different perspectives and the topics of this study series.

The Scriptural calendar is the topic of many debates in the end times, which is exactly how the enemy wants it to be. Sadly, the enemy has been very effective and people battle against each other to declare that they’re wrong.

My intention is not to condemn people, but to teach what I’ve learned and believe to be true; so that you can compare it to Scripture to discern truth. My approach is straight-forward in revealing how the enemy has misled people.

I pray that you will seek truth, not to defend a belief, for it’s not a matter of my being right and you being wrong, it’s the fact that we will all stand before our Righteous Judge to give an account for what we believe and teach, as we don’t want to be misled by the enemy.

Before starting this study series, let me preface it by saying that the Ruach Spirit has people at different levels of coming out of manmade doctrine.

Though it’s ideal to observe the Sabbath according to the heavenly cycles, observing a rest day faithfully when we abstain from normal activities (cooking, working, etc.), when we study Scripture, pray, praise the Heavenly Father and our Messiah, and fellowship with like-minded people; is what the Heavenly Father intended for Sabbath days.

So if Saturday or Sunday is the only day right now that you can set aside as a day of rest, to press into the Father, then do it. And if the Father wills that your life and schedule change so that you can observe the Lunisolar Scriptural Sabbath, He will open that door.

Though I seek to teach truth and follow the commands of the Heavenly Father, mercy and understanding need to be applied here. In these end times, some people have become like the Pharisees and condemn others who don’t live up to their standards.

But the Heavenly Father has us in different places of learning, so let’s extend grace to one another and not be one another’s judge.

One doth judge one day above another, and another doth judge every day alike; let each in his own mind be fully assured. He who is regarding the day, to the Lord he doth regard it, and he who is not regarding the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He who is eating, to the Lord he doth eat, for he doth give thanks to God; and he who is not eating, to the Lord he doth not eat, and doth give thanks to God. Romans 14:5-6

Some people can explain the calendar in much more detail, but the studies of those ministries are long and somewhat hard to understand. It’s not difficult to learn, but what causes the greatest challenge are preconceived notions and an inability to separate the Scriptural calendar from the pagan Roman one.

To understand the Scriptural calendar, we must put aside man-made Roman traditions and Jewish fables.

We need to look to the heavenly time clock, which man cannot corrupt.

The Roman calendar is based only on the sun, which is contrary to Scripture. Genesis 1:14 declares that the Scriptural calendar is based on the sun and the moon.

And God saith, `Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, to make a separation between the day and the night, then they have been for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.

The Roman calendar starts in the middle of winter when days are short, and nature is dormant in much of the world.

The Scriptural calendar year starts in spring when nature is coming back to life.

Roman months are manmade constructs consisting of 28-31 days, which arbitrarily start on any calendar day.

The Scriptural months are based on the lunar cycle and start with the New Moon Day.

Roman days begin in the middle of the night.

The Scriptural calendar begins at dawn when the sun begins to rule the sky.

Many believers are oblivious to the Scriptural calendar, as their pastors have not taught them about it. 

Most of them don’t understand how Messiah is fulfilling His Father’s set-apart Holy Feast Days, which are divine appointments, to redeem the set-apart saints.

Most don’t observe a Sabbath rest day, but only go to church on a particular day.

Others follow the lunisolar Sabbath calendar, but they disagree about how to keep it.

Some teach that the month starts with the full moon, others with the new moon as sun begins to shine on it again after being dark. I will address that in a study in this series.

Others follow the lunisolar calendar to observe the Holy Feast Days, but don’t believe that the Sabbaths are connected to the lunar cycle.

Many Torah-only people and Seventh-Day Adventists observe a Sabbath day from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

But Saturday Is Not The Scriptural Sabbath Day and a day starts when the sun rises, not when the sun sets.

So I’ll start this study series with that topic: When Does A Scriptural Day Start?


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