The Scriptural Calendar Has Been Hidden By The Enemy

This is a challenging topic as we’ve come out of the manmade traditions of Babylonian Romanism, of Easter, Christmas, Sunday Lord’s Day, etc., and feel like we’ve been properly observing the Scriptural calendar. 

Satan hates that people have come out of the deceptions of Rome, so he created alternatives to hide the Scriptural truth. This false dichotomy causes the narrative to be between two false belief systems, which effectively hides the truth from most people’s eyes.

We’re naturally biased in not wanting to find out that we’ve been deceived again. Learning these things caused me to grieve as the end-times deception is so grand. But I pray for truth, not to defend a belief, and the Ruach Spirit of Yah is faithful to answer our prayers for understanding.

I pray that your desire for truth is greater than your emotional defense of your current beliefs; as the Scriptural proofs on this website show how the enemy has mislead people with Jewish fables.

The Scriptural Calendar study series will teach you about when the year starts, when the months start, when the Holy Feast Days fall, when the Sabbaths occur and when a day starts.

And it will help you learn how to celebrate the Holy Feast Days which Messiah is still in the process of fulfilling to redeem the set-apart saints.

I prove that there are many reasons why Saturday, nor any day on the pagan Roman calendar, can be the Scriptural Sabbath, and that the enemy has created false narratives to hide the Scriptural calendar and Sabbaths.

You can click away, thinking that you know the truth; but I pray that you will read the whole explanation to consider it, before declaring that I’m mistaken.

People declare that Saturday has been the seventh-day Sabbath since the creation week in Genesis 1. They proclaim that the Jews have kept track of the Sabbath. And they say that Messiah observed the Sabbath on Saturday. But those are false associations without any proof.

To start with, there was no such thing as Saturday when Messiah carried out His ministry, as the Romans observed an eight-day week with days named after the first eight letters of their alphabet.

It wasn’t until later in the first century, when Mithraism became a popular religious cult in Rome, that the Romans started using a seven-day calendar with names after planetary gods. The week started on Saturn day (Saturday), Dies Solis (Sunday) was the second day of the week, Luna (Monday) was the third day, and dies Veneris, Venus Day (Friday), was the seventh day of the week.

It wasn’t until the fourth century that Emperor Constantine officially moved to the seven-day calendar. When he did that, he switched Saturday to the seventh day.

So the current seventh day is not the same as the seventh day from the 1st century to the 3rd century, which was Friday; thus, we can’t say that Saturday has always been the seventh day of the week.

Then in the 16th century, Pope Gregory XIII reformed the calendar to make it more accurately reflect the solar cycle. Ten days were dropped off of the yearly calendar to synchronize the calendar to bring the vernal equinox from March 11 back to March 21.

So the current seventh day is offset by three days, compared to the Saturday of the 4th-16th centuries; thus, we can’t say that there’s always been a continuously repeating ‘six work day / one Sabbath day’ cycle.

We can see that Saturday has not always been the seventh day of the Roman calendar.

So there’s no way to say that the Saturday of today’s Roman calendar lines up with the Sabbath that Messiah observed during His ministry. And do we really think that the Satan-empowered antichrist beast popes would conveniently line up the Scriptural Sabbath with their pagan calendar? No!

The concept of a continuously repeating ‘six work day / one Sabbath day’ cycle is invalidated by the Scriptural New Moon Day.

Scripture declares that there are three types of days, not two; which invalidates the concept of a continuously-repeating ‘six work day / one Sabbath day’ cycle.

How can the Scriptural Sabbath be every seven days, when there are commanded New Moon Days once a month? It’s not possible.

Ezekiel 46:1 tells us that the gate was opened on Sabbath days and New Moon days.

Thus says the Lord GOD: “The gateway of the inner court that faces toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and on the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.

This makes it impossible that the New Moon Day can fall on a weekly Sabbath or a work day, which invalidates the concept of a continuously-repeating ‘six work day / one Sabbath day’ cycle.

1 Samuel 20 proves that the first day of the month is the New Moon Day.

David was not present at meal time on the New Moon Day and the second day of the month, and Saul asked why he was absent both yesterday and today.

And David said to Jonathan, “See, tomorrow is the New Moon, and I ought to sit with the sovereign to eat. But let me go, and I shall hide in the field until the third day at evening. 1 Samuel 20:5

And it came to be the next day, the second day of the month, that David’s place was empty. And Saul said to Jonathan his son, “Why has the son of Jesse not come to eat, either yesterday or today?” 1 Samuel 20:27

The fourth commandment about keeping the Sabbath validates that the Feast of Unleavened Bread falls on a weekly Sabbath.

The fourth commandment in Exodus 20 relates the seventh day Sabbath to the creation week.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:8-11

Then the fourth commandment in Deuteronomy 5 relates the seventh day Sabbath to the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Deuteronomy 5:12-14 point to the weekly Sabbath.

Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.

Deuteronomy 5:15 links the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the day on which the Israelites came out of Egypt, to the weekly Sabbath day.

And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.

The Israelites left Egypt at evening after they had observed the weekly Sabbath on the 15th during the daytime. And because it was a weekly Sabbath, it means that the 8th, 22nd and 29th of the month are also weekly Sabbaths.

We see how the creation week pattern of six work days and one Sabbath day, play out in the lunisolar Sabbath calendar. Nowhere does Scripture proclaim that there has been a continuously-repeating ‘six work day / one Sabbath day’ cycle since creation. And the Scriptural New Moon Day invalidates that concept.

Scripture validates that weekly Sabbaths fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the month.

People deny that the New Moon Day affects the weekly cycle, and they debate ad nauseum about the Hebrew meaning of words to press their case.

But the proof is in Scripture, as there are many examples of Sabbaths falling on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of the month; and no examples of weekly Sabbaths falling on any other days on the Scriptural calendar.

The biggest clue is that the spring Feast of Unleavened Bread and fall Feast of Tabernacles always fall on the 15th day of the Scriptural month. 

I cover this in detail in the What Is The True Sabbath Day? study.

The Jews developed Rules Of Postponement to accommodate a 7-day Sabbath cycle.

In the 4th century, Emperor Constantine forced the Jews to observe a solar-based calendar, which featured a repeating cycle of 7 days; or be subject to death.

The 10th, 14th and 16th days of the first month of the year, which is called Abib, are commanded work days which can fall on any day on the Roman calendar. This means that every 1-3 years, one of them falls on a Saturday.

If Saturday is always the Sabbath, then this creates a conflict. Every 1-3 years; either Abib 10, 14 and 16 will fall onto Saturday on the pagan Roman calendar; which violates the commands of Scripture.

Abib 10, the 10th day of the first month, the Israelites had to go and purchase a lamb if they didn’t have one. When Abib 10 falls on Saturday, there is no provision in this command to purchase it a day early or a day late.

Abib 14 is the preparation day for the 15th day Sabbath. When Abib 14 falls on Saturday, there is no Scriptural provision to prepare on a different day.

On Abib 16, they harvested some grain to wave the sheaf. When Abib 16 falls on Saturday, there is no Scriptural provision to carry this out on a different day.

None of this happens on the lunisolar Sabbath calendar. There are always six work days on a week, and Abib 10, 14 and 16 always fall on work days.

Jewish resources validate that the Sabbath is tied to the New Moon Day. 

Saturday Sabbath observers proclaim that the Jews have kept track of the Sabbath, but the Jews were compromised while in Babylonian captivity and also when Roman Emperor Constantine forced Jewish scholar Hillel II to create a 7th-day Sabbath with special Rules of Postponement, to avoid persecution.

The witness of Philo validates that the Scriptural weekly Sabbaths are based on the lunisolar calendar.

Philo was of the tribe of Levi and lived from 20 BC to 40 AD, so he witnessed the amazing things which took place during this time.

In this account, Philo proclaims that the greatest festivals, the Holy Feast Days of Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles, fall on the weekly Sabbath day.

”But to the seventh day of the week he has assigned the greatest festivals, those of the longest duration, at the periods of the equinox both vernal and autumnal and autumnal in each year; appointing two festivals for these two epochs, each lasting seven days; the one which takes place in the spring being for the perfection of what is being sown, and the one which falls in autumn being a feast of thanksgiving for the bringing home of all the fruits which the trees have produced.” (The Decalogue XXX (159)

There are many more witnesses from Jews on the Lunisolar Calendar Witnesses page.

A Scriptural day starts at dawn not when the sun goes down.

Most people who observe a Saturday Sabbath believe that it starts on Friday at sundown.

But we can see by the narrative of Genesis 1 that the creation events took place during the daytime and then nighttime which takes place from evening until the morning.

And God called the light Day (Yom), and the darkness he called Night (Laylah). And the evening (Ereb) and the morning (Boqer) were the first day. Genesis 1:5

One complete day has the pattern of ‘light of day > darkness of night.’ A Scriptural day starts when the sun begins to rule the sky.

The only time a command is given to start observance at sundown is on the Day of Atonement, on which we are to start the observance at the evening on the ninth day and continue it until the evening of the tenth day. It points to two different days and does not say that a day is from evening to evening.

I cover this in detail in When Does A Day Start?

Each of the Gospel narratives show that Mary came to the tomb at the dawn (beginning) of the first day of the Scriptural week, on the 16th day of the month.

In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. Matthew 28:1

And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. Mark 16:1-2

And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid. And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on. And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid. And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment. Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. Luke 23:53-56, 24:1-2

The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews’ preparation day; for the sepulchre was nigh at hand. The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. John 19:31, 19:42, 20:1

These Gospel narratives prove that the Sabbath prior to the first day of the week on which Messiah rose again, was the weekly Sabbath.

Friend, the enemy doesn’t want you to know these truths. 

Messiah’s command to come out of Babylon, is His call to come out of the teachings of the Babylonian Roman Church, who has worked to separate believers from Scripture truth about the Biblical calendar and the Holy Feast days.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4

I pray that you can lay aside any preconceived notions about the Scriptural calendar, to see what it’s declaring to you.

You will see that Jewish fables have caused many in the Hebrew Roots movement, Torah-only people, Seventh day Adventists, and others to be deceived.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. Titus 1:13-14

Grace, peace and love to you,
David Nikao Wilcoxson


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38 thoughts on “The Scriptural Calendar Has Been Hidden By The Enemy”

  1. Greetings my Brother glory to YAH our heavenly Father and our beloved Messiah. Thank you for this info the many Questions I had on scriptural calendar have been answered. Be blessed

    • Thank you for your comment Josphine! I tried to address the questions that people have about the Scriptural calendar. Once you see it, it becomes simple. Yesterday there was a 1/2 moon which marked the weekly Sabbath. That always amazes me. May Yah bless you and keep you!

  2. David, forgive my lack of understanding, please. But, if we truly give ourselves and dedicate every day to doing His will, does it truly matter which day is observed as Sabbath? Did not Jesus say the Sanbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath? Thank you.

    • Linda, that’s a great question. I don’t think that observing the Sabbath is just about dedicating the day to do His will, but that it’s a needed day of rest for us. As you noted, it was made for man.

      Life can be hectic, so having a day when we take a break from cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.; and spending more time reading, praying, worshiping, playing out in nature and fellowshipping with family and friends; is for our well-being.

      Just my two cents 🙂

      • Thanks for that reply. I was wondering too. It is hard to determine the true sabbath without the full moon and all, which is confusing for me, so I do like to set aside one day a week of rest from my work.

        Seems like man invented making the weekly day of rest into a worship day or a church day, it can be, but it doesn’t have to be. One thing we know for sure it is a REST day. Our Father God gave us this gift of a day of REST from our labor and in doing so helped commemorate His creating the world in 6 days too. The creation sabbath was established before Judaism ever existed, before man ever sinned in the garden, so I view it more in that way, a wonderful day of rest, rather in a Jewish way where even turning on a light switch is breaking sabbath.

        God also included giving working animals a day of rest; people forget a day of rest is much needed for them too. Before we had cars and tractors, etc. the working animals (donkeys, mules, cattle, dogs, etc) were also given a day of rest.

        Even the fields, the soil needs rest or they won’t replenish the proper amount of minerals so our crops will be healthy for us. Israel got punished for 490 years because they didn’t let the land rest.

        I really enjoy your site and there is so much vast info, you put in such great valuable work, thank you! I feel like I found a pot of gold here!!!

  3. David, It seems you are leading back to celebrate feast based on new moons and Sabbaths.

    Understand keeping the Sabbath still applies today, Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. Sabbath being a day of rest and mediating on the Lord.

    Why than does the Bible speak of at Colossians 2:16-17 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holiday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days. Which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ.

    Or Galatians 4:10-11. Paul here is speaking of law keeping, compared to faith believing in Messiah. The law shows us we are sinners in need of a Savior, but we can receive Messiah only thru faith.

    Galatians 4:10-11. Ye observe days, months, and times and years. I am afraid for you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

    Appreciate your thoughts.

    • Pam, what is the Gospel message? Is it not that Messiah died on Passover as the Spotless Lamb? That He was dead in the grave on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which represents His sinlessness? That He rose on the third day, on the Feast of First Fruits? That He sent the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost? That He will return at the last trump, on the Feast of Trumpets? That He will make judgment on the Day of Atonement? And that He will marry His bride on the Feast of Tabernacles?

      What I’m teaching is the true Gospel story, instead of manmade concepts like Easter and Christmas.

      Celebrating how Messiah is fulfilling His Father’s divine appointment to redeem the set-apart saints doesn’t make me a legalist. It doesn’t mean that I’m trying to earn my salvation through works.

      As for Colossians 2:16-17, Paul was telling the Gentile believers in Colossae to not let the Jews judge them for observing observing the Sabbath and feast days.

      So yes, I’m leading people back to the Scriptural Gospel, so that they see how the Holy Feast Days always pointing to Messiah fulfilling them for our redemption.

  4. David

    Easter and Christmas have nothing to do with the Bible. Paul doesn’t even speak of them anywhere in the Bible.

    Paul is speaking to Colossians. Speaking of their faith n belief in the Messiah. Rooted and built up in Messiah and stablished in the faith. Messiah has quickened them and forgiven them of their sins. Messiah has blotted out the handwritten ordinances that was against us, nailing it to his cross. Paul telling them Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink , or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon , or the sabbath days. Messiah nailed such things to his cross.

    The gentiles didn’t need to do these new moons, holydays, sabbath days, as Messiah had fulfilled them.

    Hope this helps. The gospel remains for all men the death, burial, and resurrection of our Messiah. Messiah died on Passover as the Spotless Lamb, that Messiah was sinless as the Feast of the Unleavened Bread represents and He rose on the third day as the First Fruits Feast represents. Messiah covered it all.

    Believe exactly what the Bible says about Our Messiah.

    In Christ Love

    • Pam, Messiah’s fulfillment of His Father’s seven Holy Feast Days is the Gospel story. He died for our sins, He was put in the grave, He rose again on the third day, He sent the Spirit, He will return at the last trump, He will make judgment and He will marry His bride.

      To say that He nailed those things to the cross doesn’t make sense.

      Why is it so offensive to you that I celebrate Passover by remembering what Messiah went through on the day to pay for my sins?

  5. David. You can celebrate the feasts if you want to it isn’t offensive to me.

    The Bible says in Colossians 2:14 “ Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross”. In Colossians 2:16 Let no man judge you…in holydays..,new moons, n sabbath days.

    Please check your bible. Messiah nailed the ordinances to the cross. It merely allows for a person in Christ to celebrate the ordinances or not. God’s grace. Gospel is still the same.

    Yes Messiah still sent the Spirit on Pentecost and He still will return at the last trumpet and He will do judgement and Messiah will marry His bride the Ekklesia.

    Sorry if I have confused you, Bible is God’s Word n what those in Christ live by.

    • Pam, I’ve checked my Bible, thanks. You say that the Bible “allows for a person in Christ to celebrate the ordinances or not,” but you started this conversation by objecting to my teaching, saying “It seems you are leading back to celebrate feast based on new moons and Sabbaths.”

      Read Colossians 2:13 for the proper context of 2:14, “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses.”

      It was the list of our sins, which testify against us, which condemn us to judgment and death, which was nailed to the cross.

      You believe that Messiah sent the Spirit on Pentecost and He still will return at the last trumpet and He will do judgement and Messiah will marry His bride the Ekklesia, so why do you find it problematic for me to celebrate those events according to the Scriptural calendar?

  6. David

    My main interest was in what you had to say about revelation. I even bought your book on revelation. Will compare all things said in it to the scriptures n take into account the theologians you mentioned, Also taking into account church history.

    If you want to do your new moons, feast, n sabbath days that is up to you. It isn’t something I would find necessary from my understanding of scriptures. I am in Christ a born again Christian it is how Holy Spirit guides me in the scriptures that I do agree with some things you say.

    The very best to you in your journeys.

    In Christ Love

    • Pam, that’s great that you’re studying Bible prophecy.

      I’ve not proclaimed that everyone has to celebrate the seven Holy Feast Days. I’ve simply given information about them so that people can see how they are divine appointments that Messiah is fulfilling, so that they can decide to celebrate them or not.

      Grace, peace and love,

  7. David

    Please let me explain where I am coming from. Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, First Fruit Feast, are all from the Old Testament done by the nation of Israel. Yes, these feast were a foreshadow of things to come pertaining to Jesus Christ.

    I didn’t know that others would do these feast. That others would try to figure out new moons to calculate sabbaths. Very new concept to me.

    I only remembered from studying the scriptures that new moons, feast were mentioned in the Bible as being fulfilled in Christ as I have tried to show you.

    To say you are wrong to do them, I really never gave any thought to. Nor do I see from the scriptures that Christ would be offended if one did them.

    I am in Christ n with the help of Holy Spirit allow Him to guide me in the scriptures.

    Just learning new concepts in my walk with the Lord.

    In Christ love

    • Pam, indeed the Old Testament Feast days are a foreshadow of things to come, divine appointments that Messiah is fulfilling to redeem the set-apart saints. I look forward to the Feast of Trumpets when Messiah returns for His bride.

      If you’re interested, I created a study called The True Gospel Story Decoded, which shows how Messiah is fulfilling His Father’s seven Holy Feast Days to redeem the set-apart saints. It may help you understand them better.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah,

      • Just read your study “The True Gospel Story Decoded” & I am interested in this timetable included at the end ~
        • 04/02 New Moon day.
        • 04/15 Passover
        • 04/16 Feast of Unleavened Bread. A full moon highlights it.
        There is a seven-day celebration of the Feast of Unleavened Bread until 04/22
        • 04/17 Feast of First Fruits.

        Please, tell me what year these April dates are from … & more for my understanding, what is the April timeframe is in 2024. I think it will be:

        • 04/08 New Moon day.
        • 04/21 Passover
        • 04/22 Feast of Unleavened Bread. A full moon highlights it.
        There is a seven-day celebration of the Feast of Unleavened Bread until 04/28
        • 04/23 Feast of First Fruits.

        Thanks so much, bless you!

        • I need to remove that part of the explanation, as it was based on the yea that I published the study, 2022. Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

  8. Of course the feasts are important, Pam. Till the end. If one acts as if they aren’t important, one may end up following the harlot church’s ways. We must clean out our itching ears! and cease the trappings of this lukewarm era. Guess what? The sabbath this month falls on Saturday, which it is just now!

    • Thank you for your comment Tom! Messiah’s fulfillment of the divine appointments of His Fathers Holy Feast Days is the full Gospel message. This is why the enemy has created many man-made concepts which serve to remove people from Scriptural truth. Have a blessed Sabbath day!

      • Brother David,

        I love to see the effort that has gone into your study. Much of which I do agree with.

        With that said I do also believe that there are a few miss-steps within it. Mind you I have family who are in the same camp as you with the accounting being strictly by the moon.

        While I did see you reference the yearly cycle being the equinox (spring) what I did not hear was about how the followers of God are some how subject to an 8 day calendar and cannot observe sabbath as they saw fit from the clear instructions in the scripture that they already knew.

        313ad and the edict of Milan do play an important role, as you mentioned, to our present “worldly” accounting of the months. One of the biggest things that I’ve pulled out of this is the nail in the coffee for the children of Israel, or “Christians” if I am allowed to use that term in a non-offensive way, and their day of worship being obfuscated from those who had yet to come.

        While I do think that new moons are something to observed your reference to Ezekiel is a bit of an obscure scripture to build so much on top of. That is not to say that it is out of place but rather that from one verse you have made a final statement on it. Along with this, as was expected, your proposition of the day starting in the light shows a lack of ability to really work with the Hebrew itself. That is not something that I have either but I do have people around that are fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. I rely on my conversations and debates with them to help me, one who does not know all my Hebrew and Greek, develop a thought about something that is obscure or requires the intimate knowledge of the idioms, history (both cultural, and events), and language.

        I’ve heard it said before that “we should speak loudly where scripture is clear and ponder what is not. If there were many more places to build this particular stance I would be interested in hearing more. Shoot I’m a little surprised I didn’t see a link to (yes this is one of my extended families websites)

        Would love to read your thoughts on why Caiaphas tore his robes.

        Peace be with you

        • Brother Cam, I don’t base the explanation strictly by the moon, but rather the sun and the moon, which is why it’s called the lunisolar Sabbath calendar.

          I’m not sure what you’re referring to about an 8 day calendar preventing people from following the Scriptural calendar. Are you talking about the pagan Roman 8-day week?

          The reference to the Ezekiel verse proves that there are three types of days, not two, so it’s obscure to cite it. It speaks loudly as a proof of the lunisolar Sabbath calendar.

          What good is it to understand Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, when one can’t understand the English proofs that a day starts in the morning. Did you watch the videos which prove it out?

          I’m confused by your reference to Caiaphas tearing his robe. Do you think that is related to the Scriptural calendar? Or is it a random question>


          • Brother David,

            I apologize for the misquote about the lunar-solar calendar and happy to be corrected. Not my intention but I did overlook that in my response.

            8 day calendar… it seemed as though you have presented that the Jews have not actually kept the 6 work days and the 7th to rest because of the Roman 8 day week and other factors? Or so how the weeks as they are presently used couldn’t align to the sabbath the God has established? Most of the western world shows up on Sunday for fellowship so somehow those trying to apply the sabbath couldn’t be because “the norm” is different? I just don’t see how you give so much weight to a historical reference to what other people groups happened to be doing.

            I’ll also give you the Ezekiel verse because it seems to be to smaller issue in my own mind and the ramifications for such.

            As far as the beginning of the day, I love you brother, but your answer proves my point. Pure and simple fact is that you have a translation not a copy or an original. The inability to work with either of the latter two will leave you at a disadvantage in understanding the grammar and idioms. These are part of the key to understanding. You do realize that in the 1700’s-1800’s preachers were able to work with the original languages. Where I think we would agree is the their understanding was incomplete because of their reliance on those who taught them. A lack of questions to what is taught always leaves one with a lack of true working knowledge.

            Caiaphas had nothing to do with the calendar but rather just offering up a question to get another perspective and possible insight that I may have overlooked in the past.


          • Brother Cam, People make the declaration that Saturday has been the seventh-day Sabbath since the creation week in Genesis 1. And they say that Messiah observed the Sabbath on Saturday. But those are false associations without any proof.

            There was no such thing as Saturday when Messiah carried out His ministry, as the Romans observed an eight-day week with days named after the first eight letters of their alphabet. It wasn’t until later in the first century that the Romans started using a seven-day week, but Saturday was the first day. It wasn’t until the fourth century that Constantine officially switched to the seven-day week and made Sunday the first day. So there is no direct connection to Saturday as the continuously-repeating seventh-day Sabbath.

            I disagree that I have to know the Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek to understand that Scripture declares that a day starts in the morning. The thought that the English Bible we have today is not clear enough to understand comes from modern-day Pharisees who think that they’re set-apart.

            I provide a detailed explanation of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and Revelation, without knowing Hebrew, Aramaic or much Greek. But most people who do know those languages are unable to understand the fulfillment of this prophecies. Just something to think about as you seem to blindly trust those people.


  9. Brother David,

    In my opinion I do not see what it is that your getting at with the 8 day week still. You also cannot say that it can’t be the case that sabbath, as it is observed today, isn’t the sabbath from creation. You are imposing this on the people of The Book. One can not do this in the corse of study. Who is to say that it wasn’t the remnant who helped to re-establish the times after Babylon or even some who were there still keeping it. Daniel maybe? I could just as easily say that they have kept it because God says that it will be kept forever.

    To this other point about languages with a pit stop on you other teachings first…
    You may have done an excellent job on the other studies that you have put out (have not read so I will not say more on them). That is commendable, along with the time and effort that you have put into all of this. The one thing that I may be imposing on your reply, feel free to correct if I have done so, but that I believe that I’m hearing is you being upset because someone doesn’t agree entirely on this language/day start issue? Am I one of the Pharisees your referencing? Is there no merit to a person(s) who have grown up learning Hebrew? Is it possible for the language in multiple places talking about the day or the pillar/cloud, or the night watchman and this “mixing” time that it speaks of actually referencing the opposite that you propose?

    Lastly, I’m not one to blindly trust others but I do try my best to give the benefit of the doubt to one that I would call brother in a discussion. Maybe I am the one who came off strong to you and if so, I apologize. I do read that correction and rebuke, with love, to those within the body as apart of our duty to constantly strive to look more like Messiah. That is our duty, isn’t it? Is it not apart of our walk to correct and to be corrected? To do so in love just as we were taught by the one who first loved us? Where do we build our understanding in the word? Is it not, in part, with community? Near or far does it matter? Public forum would be the least of which that I would “follow” but rather read, engage, and learn from another and the dialogue. Doesn’t mean that I have to eat the bones with the meat.


    • Brother Cam, the studies on this website prove when a day starts, so I won’t comment any further on that topic. I’m not upset that someone doesn’t agree with my explanation, I’m simply sharing what I believe to be true.

      Understanding Hebrew has great value for there is much depth in the language. That said, most people who understand Hebrew don’t know that their Messiah already came to atone for their sins, they misrepresent the Sabbath day as a taking place on the seventh day of the pagan Roman calendar, and they don’t understand prophecy fulfillment. So what good is their understanding of Hebrew if they don’t know these things?

      I’ve offered you correction about your view, but you dismiss me because I don’t know Hebrew. I prove out what I teach about the calendar, the Sabbath, prophecy fulfillment, etc. on the website studies and videos.


      • Brother David,

        I am a little confused by your acknowledgment that learning the languages now has merit. Before, you had stated that it is simple enough in the English. Does it have merit to talk to those who know and believe in messiah, know prophesy, and some of the connection to our lives who also work in the language? These are the types of people I talk to. I do not typically talk to one who rejects our messiah. I’ve heard it said, “don’t ask ungodly people for Godly advice”.

        Still don’t get how the romans 8 day week affected Gods people from not worshiping on a 7 day cycle.

        Still don’t see, how you do, with the day beginning at sunrise. I don’t believe that it aligns with the historical and biblical foundation that has apparently been laid. What benefit do the Jews have if we would disagree on their “oral law”, Shabbat, when a day begins, the feasts, their traditions, their expressions of worship (maybe)? Sounds like with the two main things that your proposing that three of the biggest traditions they hold could not be correct. Namely sabbath, day begin, and the feasts. Where is there common ground for the two sides? If they have kept the book since Moses wrote it down and we accepted Messiah at His word is either side entirely wrong? I would be curious to know what you agree with that they do. Doesn’t mean that your now some Pharisee but rather where you would give the credit that is due.

        We could knit pick at all the things historians and scripture writers have shown with their faults. But that is not my goal. We can do the same for our fellow brothers and sisters showing up on Sundays. Where’s the common ground? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”


        • Brother Cam, I did not say that understanding the languages does not have merit. I said that I don’t need to understand them to see what Scripture is proclaiming about a day starting in the morning.

          There is no Scriptural justification for a continuously-repeating ‘six work day / one Sabbath day’ cycle, as Scripture declares that there are New Moon Days which are not a work day or a Sabbath. That is incompatible with the 7-day and 8-day weekly cycles on the pagan Roman calendar.

          Believe what you want to believe brother. We’ll all stand before our Righteous Judge to give an account.


  10. I was curious how we know what day to use as the new moon? For example the new moon for February 2024 is on the 9th but the new moon isn’t until the evening time. So do we count the 9th as the 1st of the month or the 10th like the Hebrew calendar? Thank you for any help.

  11. If the New Moon Feasts and Sabbaths were fulfilled, which btw, doesn’t mean abolished, why do we read this future prophecy in Isaiah 66:23:
    And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith YAH. (see Psalm 68:4 “JAH, should be a “Y” historical evidence verifies there was NO letter J until about 500 years ago). If these important days were “nailed to the cross,” why do we find those who are redeemed participating in this for a 1000 yrs?

    • Hi Sheryl perhaps David hasn’t had time to reply just yet.

      From what I’ve read from other question and answers, David says it was not these feasts that were nailed to the cross.

      Instead it was our trespasses that were nailed to the cross.

    • Sheryl, Messiah is still in the process of fulfilling His Father’s seven Holy Feast Days. He rose on the Feast of First Fruits and sent the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.

      He will return on the Feast of Trumpets, make judgment on the Day of Atonement and marry His bride on the Feast of Tabernacles.

      So we can see that the Holy Feast Days were not abolished and we should celebrate how Messiah is fulfilling them to redeem His saints.

      I wrote a study called The True Gospel Story Decoded, which shows how Messiah is fulfilling His Father’s seven Holy Feast Days to redeem the set-apart saints. Here’s a link to the PDF of the study.


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